Friday, October 26, 2012


Welcome to my revamped blog. My new little hobby.   I'm pretty average.Opinionated and extroverted. I live in a small quiet town in MD and I love it.  I am a mother of two beautiful little girls Reagan and Kennedie (yes I named my daughters that; no it's not political... they are two beautiful Irish names that just so happen to be two presidential names... but I digress).

I have a renewed interest in reading.  I love history, biographies, autobiographies, and steamy love stories especially the series.  Follow me in Goodreads.

I plan to blog about books,  current events,  parental interests, local events,  movies,  music,  inspirational stories, product  reviews,  Pinterest attempts good and bad and just things I find interesting.  I plan to keep things upbeat  and light-hearted.  Something positive in this chaotic world.  I am steering clear of politics  and controversial topics because I am tired of it and it gets old. 
I'm not a professional writer and not doing this for a grade.  Writing was never my strong suit  so no criticism in grammar. I am doing this like a journal. So don't get bunched if you are Type A over grammar.  You may have an anxiety attack over something.  Chill.
Please feel free to comment.  Please keep it respectable. Please remember that we are all different and if all agreed all the time, the world would be boring. If you wanna write something, email me.

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